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Listen. Kids are not incognizant to the world.

They see everything that’s going on and they process it in their own way. But that doesn’t make it any less amazing when a child speaks eloquently about a very adult subject. And in this case, it’s a 10-year-old talking about the unjust judicial system and wealth gap in this country.

Student Naomi Yitna, who’s a member of her school’s debate team, visited a nearby elementary school, to sit in on their debate session. She took a video of a 10-year-old student talking and posted in to her Twitter account, which instantly went viral.

“The criminal justice system is really not fair,” he begins in the 30-second clip. “Because the average person that’s wealthy can easily pay their way out of prison. It’s really all about money because the people who have the money always pay their way out. They hire the best lawyers, people who know they did the crime.”

Adding, “But the people put on death row are the people who hardly have anything. People that hardly have family. Think about it this way: Back to my favorite show ‘OJ Simpson vs The People’…”

Yitna gave more context to the video in a series of tweets. She says, “During a mini debate against him, which was about whether the death penalty ought to be banned in the U.S., he argued that it should be banned and simply used ‘OJ Simpson vs. The People’ as a reference.”

“He’s very brilliant-minded and far beyond his age, and I look up to him for it,” she added.

While O.J. Simpson was found not guilty in the murders of his ex-wife Nicole Brown Simpson and her friend Ron Goldman in 1995, the case would go down in history as one of the most controversial rulings —because of the substantial amount of evidence in the prosecution’s favor. The FX Network only reignited the conversation with their nine-part television series depicting the trial, this spring.

And clearly, the right audience has been watching.

We hope to see more documentation of how educated and enlightened black children are— since the world clearly needs proof.



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10-Year-Old Goes Viral For Dropping Knowledge About Judicial System  was originally published on