
Explore the latest opinion articles and editorials on current events from a Black perspective with NewsOne. We deliver insightful commentary and analysis on the most pressing issues of the day, from politics and social justice to entertainment and culture. Were the home of thought-provoking articles and exclusive viewpoints.

Republican Missouri Sen. Eric Schmitt blocked promoting a highly decorated Air Force officer because the veteran once called out systemic racism.

The Senator went viral for the wrong reasons.

A federal judge ordered a government agency helping minority-owned businesses to stop being reverse racist.


The Black history knowledge gap is widening, and GOP politicians are making it worse despite the documented benefits of learning Black history.

Civil Rights & Social Justice

It shouldn't be this way.

He reminded us how he feels about migrants.

The NBA legend ripped the narrative that Trump's mugshot has galvanized Black voters.

Scott Adams took to X to remind us how gullible he is and how easy it is to convince people of things when they willfully ignore facts.


Sharing our platforms with individuals who have spent their careers disparaging our community is a dangerous proposition.


Under the guise of voting registration list maintenance, election officials are removing scores of voters from the voting rolls.

White megachurch pastor John MacArthur called Martin Luther King Jr. a "non-believer who misrepresented Christ."

Missouri gubernatorial candidate Darrell Leon McClanahan III was exposed as an "honorary" KKK member who was photographed at a cross burning.