In defense of criticism on Obama being only ‘half black’ or not black enough, Spike Lee said ‘One drop [of black blood], and you’re black. The truth is, every African-American is biracial. Go back far enough, and you’ll find the massah was in the slave quarters.’

I watched Hillary Clinton’s speech last night blocks away from the Denver Convention Center with a mixture of disappointment and excitement. It was a strong speech with a very powerful delivery. She played her role very well as a party insider and brilliant career politician with a future. At the same, I was disappointed because […]

Last night, Senator Hillary Clinton graced the stage in her “pantsuit”. Senator Clinton tried to focus her speech on how hard we need to work for Senator Obama to be our next president. But was she convincing?

For the past two days on our podcasts, Bakari Kitwana has raised the question of Black-specific issues and, specifically, their omission from Democratic National Convention proceedings this week. Obama is making history as a Black political candidate, but he’s also been doing an interesting dance around issues of race.