The use of rap lyrics in criminal prosecutions.

In this case, Cameron seeks to revive litigation pertaining to a law banning a procedure commonly performed in abortions occurring after 14-weeks. Passed in 2018, the law was previously declared unconstitutional in large part because it is effectively an impermissible pre-viability ban.

Within the past year, two Black employees have filed lawsuits against the ACLU alleging discrimination and retaliatory action for raising concerns about equity issues within the civil rights organization.

Good News

Deborah Archer was recently elected to serve as president of the ACLU; making her the first Black person to be at the helm of the organization in its 101-year history.

The ACLU sued the DC Police Department on behalf of a man who was groped by an officer during a stop and frisk.

Police arrest protesters in mass in wake of Jason Stockley's acquittal for the murder of Anthony Lamar Smith.

A Massachusetts charter school punished Black sisters for wearing braided hair extensions.

The actress predicts they will regret their vote when Trump's policies eventually harms them.


The parents maintain that the child's name has nothing to do with religion.

Two longtime activists argue that the executive clemency process itself has historically shown patterns of racial bias; and that the same holds true even during the Obama presidency.

Several groups and a resident returned back to federal court Wednesday to push for an order requiring Michigan state and city officials to deliver bottled water to certain homes in Flint.