A 2016 prediction from the CDC estimated that 1 in 51 Georgians will contract HIV in their lifetime.

South Indiana is under major pressure to create a medical safety blanket after it was revealed Gov. Mike Pence would declare a health emergency over the growing cases of HIV in the area. Excessive amounts of drug use have aided the increase in HIV and AIDS viruses, according to the Indy Star. Oxymorphone – or Opana – has […]


A few years ago, I was at a community health festival in Brownsville, a high-crime, very poor area of Brooklyn that is among the worst statistically in every category in New York City. After a while, I noticed something very important: few of the people coming in for checkups, testing, and medical advice were women; a […]

From Foreign Policy: Remember when Robert Mugabe <a href="http://newsone.com/world/mugabe-says-cholera-is-contained-is-out-of-touch-with-reality/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">said</a> Zimbabwe's cholera epidemic had ended, the same day the WHO said another 60,000 people were at risk? Apparently that was <a href="http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/world/africa/article5330376.ece">a hilarious joke.</a>