It’s been a roller coaster ride for the VP candidate for the Republican party. She’s been lampooned by Tina Fey, battled it out with Katie Couric, and fought the sexist coverage that dares to ask her questions about what books she reads or her stance on, say, the law. Well, luckily for Governor Palin the […]

Chuck D talks with’s Bakari Kitwana about Barack Obama’s historic run, activist Dick Gregory, Congresswoman Shirley Chisholm, the 1988 presidential run of Reverend Jesse Jackson, and how America has evolved over the last 20 years of presidential politics. Watch the interview here.

It’s been a month since Alaska Governor Sarah Palin has been named as John McCain’s running mate and she has already generated more scandals than most politicians do in their whole career. Here’s our list of the Top 5: 1. Troopergate Read About Troopergate Here 2. Membership in Radical Alaskan Secessionist Party, AKIP Read About […]

While reading a Dwyane Wade interview (a Kevin Clark/TUD exclusive), I came across a response of his that took me for a loop in considering this year’s election. Besides its potentially paradigm-shifting outcome for our country’s economic policies, foreign relations and storefront issues, we will view it as a referendum on race relations, with history […]

Five Ways Black Voters Can Protect Their Votes 1. Voter I.D. laws – In several states, voting laws have changed to require an state-issued piece of identification. Don’t be fooled. All you need is your social security number to vote and voter registration card. If your state has imposed this law, fill out an absentee ballot […]

I’ve spent most of the last 70 years in Charlotte and North Carolina politics and I have never seen this kind of excitement for a primary. Truthfully, it reminds me so very much of the excitement of our movement in the 1960s.