Last year, when President Barack Obama held a press conference to announce that he had requested a copy of his birth certificate from the state of Hawaii to settle conspiracy theories that he was born to a virgin in the jungles of Kenya (or was it to an Islamic polygamist in the desert?), he explained […]

Washington (Politico)– When the looming battle over Bush tax cuts comes up during their meeting at the White House Thursday morning, congressional Democrats are likely to pose a simple question to President Barack Obama: What is your strategy?

LONGMONT, Colo. — Westward, uh-oh. For Democrats, the newly minted crossover voters who helped elect Barack Obama president in 2008 are displaying a rugged individualist streak and echoing tea party-type distrust of all things Washington. This is haunting the party as it struggles to keep control of Congress.

In the brand new third season of This Week in Blackness, Elon James White returns with a flurry of new episodes tackling everything from the Michael “Brotha’-Still-Here” Steele and the “Negro” controversy to the increasingly inane metaphors of America’s Hip-Hop Professor, Michael Eric Dyson.

The Brooklyn Comedy Company proudly presents the 2nd installment in season 3 of “This Week in Blackness.”