The road to confirmation for a Black woman will not be easy.

Over a year after massive racial justice protests demanding action, Congress comes up short. 

NewsOne Now

Where is the Democratic opposition to President Trump and Republicans in Washington?

NewsOne Now

Black Republicans Tim Scott, Mia Love and Will Hurd won their respective races on election day. Will the GOP be able to strategically use these politicians to appeal to other African American voters and bring more minorities to their party? Once they take office, will Scott, Love and Hurd vote for or against key African American interests? […]

NewsOne Now

Who should take the blame for the midterm massacre? Should DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz bear the brunt of the blame or is there enough to spread around between Rep. Nancy Pelosi, Sen. Harry Reid, Pres. Barack Obama and the Democratic Party? Should Democrats look toward former DNC Chair Howard Dean‘s 50 state strategy? Roland Martin, guest […]

NewsOne Now

A group of African American pastors in Chicago, fed up with Democrats in Illinois who did not do what they promised to do as it relates to education, decided to support Republican Bruce Rauner for governor of the sate. Former State Senator James Meeks lead the coalition of pastors in endorsing Rauner and some believe as a result […]

Judith Browne Dianis, Co-Founder of the Advancement Project joined Roland MartinWednesday on “NewsOne Now” to discuss how Ferguson and other cities are using African Americans as a revenue source through tickets, court fees, fines and the criminal justice system. TV producer Charles Belk details his harrowing experience of being detained by Beverly Hills police officers without cause or proof […]

NewsOne Now

Some school districts are moving away from their zero tolerance policies in discipline because they aren’t effective. High dropout and arrest rates, combined with low grades, have too often been the result. Florida‘s Broward County has decided to back off of their zero tolerance policies. This is because the sixth largest school district in the nation […]

Nation, Opinion

(Special to NewsOne) — This week, the U.S. Supreme Court is hearing oral arguments in the case of Schuette v. Coalition to Defend Affirmative Action (PDF). The question in this case is whether a state may pass laws that single out race as a factor to be excluded from policy-making, including college admissions and public […]