Public opposition to the proposed mosque and community center near Ground Zero is growing dramatically, a new Quinnipiac University poll of New York voters found.

A majority of Republicans believe that President Barack Obama “sympathizes with the goals of Islamic fundamentalists who want to impose Islamic law around the world,” according to a survey released on Monday.

Michael Enright, is accused of attempted murder as a hate crime in the stabbing of Ahmed Sharif, a New York City taxi driver.

Like a clear majority of Americans, I too oppose the building of the proposed Cordoba Mosque near the former World Trade Center in New York City.

The good news for President Obama is that this week is likely to be better for him than last week was. The bad news? Last week! A week so bad, as we observed Friday, that the president ended it by clinging to his religion as the media revived the stupid-people-think-he’s-Muslim trope. This, of course, was the […]

Reverend Franklin Graham, son of renowned Christian evangelist Billy Graham, said Thursday that the reason a growing number of peoplebelieve President Obama to be a Muslim is because he was, in fact, born into that religion due to the “seed of Islam” that was passed to him through his father, Barack Hussein Obama, Sr.

  With the recent poll released that 1 in 5 Americans feel President Obama is Muslim; and the various signs and racial epithets we’ve heard directed at him at Tea Party rallies; have you ever heard anything racial from your co-workers or just walking around from people in regards to President Obama? RELATED: Have You Encountered […]

From When it comes to wooing Muslim Americans, U.S. marketers are pretty oblivious, leaving potential customers to scramble for product information on their own. Are Halal meals at Kentucky Fried Chicken Halal enough? How about Oreos? What’s new at Forever 21 that is hot and modest? Is that mutual fund compliant with Shariah investment […]

Nation of Islam Minister Louis Farrakhan has written the leaders of more than a dozen major U.S. Jewish groups and denominations seeking "repair of my people from the damage" he claims Jews have caused blacks for centuries.

“We have received 16 dead bodies since yesterday. Eleven of them were buried yesterday and we are conducting a funeral for the remaining five. So far we have over 300 injured people, most of them from gun shots,” the head of Jos’s central mosque, Balarabe Dawud, told AFP.