They have safety concerns for their community following reports of bias policing.

Few are pleased with the comprises made by North Carolina's GOP lawmakers and Democratic governor.

The NAACP's education task force stops in Detroit on its nationwide education quality tour.

The NAACP releases a comprehensive analysis of Judge Neil Gorsuch. It explains its opposition to his Supreme Court nomination

Civil rights leaders met with Attorney General Jeff Sessions to discuss their concerns about the DOJ's direction.

NAACP President Cornell William Brooks and General Counsel Brad Berry met with Attorney General Jeff Sessions Friday about the Justice Department tackling policing, voting rights and suppression affecting African Americans.

A North Carolina school board voted against a requested Confederate flag ban on school campuses.

The NAACP calls for an economic boycott of North Carolina over several pieces of discriminatory legislation and practices.

The NAACP slams Stamford, Connecticut officials. It calls for a full police investigation of the crime.

Check out some of her most inspiring quotes. The NAACP Image Awards airs February 11 on TVOne.


Cornell Brooks, President of the NAACP, and other activists were arrested on Monday for staging a sit-in at Sen. Jeff Sessions’ office.

More than 1,300 law professors signed an open letter protesting Jeff Sessions' nomination. They voice concerns about his record.