MANCHESTER, Conn. — There is no evidence to support a man’s claim that he was a victim of racism before he fatally shot eight co-workers at a beer distribution company last year, police said Thursday. Omar Thornton, who was black, “did not seem to understand the concept of seniority” and therefore believed he was subjected […]

The mass murders committed by Connecticut resident, Omar Thornton, earlier this week, were a tragedy no doubt, but they reveal what a lot of Blacks still face nowadays. Regardless of how the media, politicians and local and federal law enforcement spin it, racism is alive and well and it’s kicking as hard now as it […]

The girlfriend of the Connecticut truck driver who killed eight of his co-workers said Wednesday that on the morning of the massacre “he was in a daze.”

A gunman opened fire early Tuesday morning during a shift change at Hartford Distributors, a beer distributorship near Hartford, Connecticut, and ABC News has been told that nine people, including the gunman, have died.