A Texas school board trustee says he and his family have been the subject of death threats after comments he made at school board meetings falsely equating Black teachers and high school dropout rates.

Race Matters

A white female student used a poster with the words, “If I was Black, I’d be picking cotton…but I’m white so I’m picking you!” to ask a male student to the Sweetheart Ball next month at Thunder Ridge High School in Idaho Falls, Idaho.

The media's continued failure to discern the difference between genuinely concerned parents and the political agenda bent on destroying years of equality is sad but not surprising. It also shows a media landscape wholly unprepared for race conversations and the fundamental need to divest from white supremacy.  

The "Tomahawk Chop” is racist and if you cannot acknowledge this, it means you are drowning in white privilege.

Since Gruden's resignation, Colin Kaepernick has been trending on social media. Many folks are inferring that Gruden’s resignation proves that the former quarterback for the San Fransico 49ers who lost his job after kneeling during the national anthem to protest police brutality was right about the NFL all along.

Gruden was in the midst of a 10-year, $100 million contract with the Raiders at the time of his resignation.

Civil Rights & Social Justice

As racism's incestuous relationship with the NFL rears its ugly head once again, the wife of NFL player Isaac Rochell shared racist social media messages responding to her interracial marriage to Isaac Rochell, a Black man.

A "Karen" Halloween costume has recently been making the rounds on Twitter and is receiving backlash by Black people accusing the manufacturers of profiting off of racism.

The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) filed a lawsuit last Thursday against the Whiting-Turner Contracting Company in Clarksville, Tenn., which is is accused of violating the 1964 Civil Rights Act by openly discriminating against its Black employees.

A recent study by Dr. Paula Braveman has found that disparities in preterm birth rates between Black and white women in the U.S. are directly or indirectly attributed to racism

Owen Diaz said while he worked at Tesla, his co-workers taunted him with racial slurs, racial graffiti and suggestions that he "go back to Africa." A jury awarded Diaz $130 million in punitive damages and $6.9 million for emotional distress.

The Department of Justice announced Wednesday that Massachusetts man 45-year-old Stephen M. DeBerardinis has been brought up on multiple federal charges for harassing threatening an interracial couple with graphic violence after the couple announced their engagement on Facebook.