Good News

Basketball legend Chris Webber is creating a series about the Fab Five.

Good News

Ciara Sivels has become the first African-American woman to earn a nuclear engineering Ph.D. from the University of Michigan.


A University of Michigan official recently issued a statement about supporting diversity after someone or an unnamed group painted over a rock with hate speech targeting Latinx students on campus in a vandalism incident.

Students4Justice, an activist group at the University of Michigan, recently launched a new petition for students of color to have a space to do social justice work and organizing.


Racist fliers on the campus of Southern Methodist University in Dallas, Texas, urge White women to refrain from dating Black men.

I’m a bit conflicted on how to process Detroit high school student Brooke Kimbrough (pictured); her protest group, By Any Means Necessary (BAMN); and the protest staged on Tuesday demanding more diversity at the University of Michigan. On one end, her credentials are undoubtedly impressive: Brooke is as a part of University Prep’s award-winning debate […]

Nation, NewsOne Original, Opinion, Politics

  1. Detroit Teen Takes Affirmative Action Talk about not taking no for an answer! High school senior Brooke Kimbrough is literally this week’s poster child for higher education. When the University of Michigan recently rejected her application, did the Detroit native slink quietly off into the night? Heck no! According to the Huffington Post, […]