There is no such thing as an AIDS vaccine. There’s not even a mandate for PrEP, the prescription drug that has been a game-changer in preventing the spread of HIV.   Setting aside his referencing of a nonexistent vaccine and mandate, Kemp leads a state that already mandates vaccines.

Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp dedicated his first ad for re-election to attacking Stacey Abrams over MLB's decision to move its all-star game out of the state while insisting despite proof to the contrary that "we made it easier to vote."


A viral video showing a fight in a mall parking lot was the latest indication that Georgia may have re-opened its businesses a bit prematurely.

Folks point out that he stole an election and now he's "stealing" Black people's life.

Barbershop owners and entrepreneurs speak out.

Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp just realized asymptomatic people can transmit the coronavirus and the Internet is fed up.