
Get up-to-the-minute coverage of crime and justice issues from a Black perspective, including police brutality cases and breaking news affecting Black communities. Stay informed with our comprehensive coverage of the latest crime, violence, and safety stories in Black neighborhoods.    


Dearborn Heights, Michigan, white man Mark Denis Grzybowski is accused of pulling a gun on a Black father and his toddler son over yard work.

Arizona Attorney General Kris Mayes (D) announced Wednesday that a grand jury had issued the nine-count indictment against seven top Trump aides and 11 Arizona Republicans who are accused of falsely certifying votes for the ex-president despite President Joe Biden narrowly winning the state.

Judge Merchan issued a gag order barring Trump from making public statements about any witnesses, prosecutors, jurors or court staff--standard practice for court proceedings--but that didn't stop the commander-in-losing-and-lying-and-lying-about-losing from attacking the judge’s daughter on social media, prompting the order's expansion fto cover the relatives of court staff members and attorneys working the case.


Here's everything we know about "Juror 5."

William Brock, 81, apparently felt entitled to play cop, judge, jury and executioner.


Two white men were fined more than $1 million for orchestrating a robocall scheme to keep Black New Yorkers from voting in the 2020 election.

Georgia Republican Party Official, Brian Pritchard, was ordered to pay a $5,000 fine for voting illegally nine times while a felon.


The alleged billionaire's pockets may not be as deep as he wants us to believe.


A judge nixed some of Georgia’s charges against Trump and his allies, but a legal scholar explains that won’t necessarily derail the case.

A June 25 trial date has finally been set for Corey Walker, the lone adult charged with murdering rapper Pop Smoke in 2020.

Sen. Katie Britt was called out for her misleading comments about sex trafficking victim Karla Jacinto Romero.


Jemison, Alabama police delayed arresting a white driver accused of fleeing the scene of a hit and run that injured a Black woman, graphic video shows.