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From Yesterday LeBron James was a sponsored trending topic on Twitter –- today, the King himself has joined the microblogging service, setting up shop at @KingJames.

From President Obama will be handed the power to shut down the Internet for at least four months without Congressional oversight if the Senate votes for the infamous Internet ‘kill switch’ bill, which was approved by a key Senate committee yesterday and now moves to the floor.

What ran across your mind when you watched Angel L. Rosenthal get allegedly assaulted in "The Seattle Police Officer Punches Girl" video, or Kat Stacks allegedly getting assaulted in the "Kat Stacks Gets Beat Up" video? Violent videos of this type not only create a spectacle, they force viewers to become the judge and the jury; determining their personal sentiment on the amount of guilt of the assault victim. is a fairly new social networking site used by teenagers, mainly designed to allow users to anonymously post questions and comments on other users pages; however, it is growing a reputation as a place to gossip and insult people by posting profane, sexual and intentionally hurtful things.

In celebration of the trending topic “Follow Friday” on, here’s a list of the top five Black celebrities you must follow.