Black News

NewsOne brings you in-depth reporting and analysis on the most pressing issues of the day, including politics, social justice, entertainment, and more. With exclusive interviews, expert commentary, and up-to-the-minute coverage, we are your go-to source for breaking news and informed perspectives from the Black community.

Future in Color, a new initiative, launched ahead of the March on Washington anniversary.

It was a nice thought for the culture, anyway.

Amid the 2023 Black Women's Equal Pay Day, here's a deeper look at the wage statistics along gender lines by the numbers.

After an open letter to Jay-Z sought "revolutionary funding," should wealthy Black people be expected to help fund anti-racism causes?

Like it or not, Black Lives Matter is one of if not the largest social movements America has ever seen. As it turns 10 years old, we now have an entire decade’s worth of legacy to ponder over. 

From Essence Festival to Keke Palmer, get caught up with this visual journey through the past seven days of the top Black news stories of the week.

From The U.S Supreme Court to Jesse Watters, get caught up with this visual journey through the past seven days of the top Black news stories of the week.

Black News

Criticism remains over a court order and cease and desist letter.

Black News

A court order kept a Black-owned bookstore from holding an event in New Orleans.

A small population of Black people across the world have green eyes, which is a rarity in and of itself.

Black News

The pan-Afrikan psychologist addressed Black men, women and the Black family structure.