Black News

NewsOne brings you in-depth reporting and analysis on the most pressing issues of the day, including politics, social justice, entertainment, and more. With exclusive interviews, expert commentary, and up-to-the-minute coverage, we are your go-to source for breaking news and informed perspectives from the Black community.

“It never ends,” began Nsombi Lambright-Haynes during an exclusive discussion with NewsOne about Mississippi’s Goon Squad members, Brett McAlpin, who filed a notice of appeal this week despite having plead guilty to torturing two Black men, his attorney Aafram Sellers reported. 


O.J. Simpson's death from prostate cancer places a glaring spotlight on how the treatable disease disproportionately kills Black people.

The independent presidential candidate named the BLM-LA co-founder and Pan African Studies professor Melina Abdullah as his 2024 running mate.

Civil Rights & Social Justice

The Black Southern Women’s Collaborative (BSWC) is a network and advocacy organization committed to empowering Black women serving as executive directors in the Southern United States.

Civil Rights & Social Justice

It wasn’t called voter suppression back then, but civil rights activist Fannie Lou Hamer knew exactly how white authorities in Mississippi felt about Black people voting in the 1960s.

Lawmakers also passed a "voter suppression" bill.


The latest installment in NewsOne's special series on Black child suicide considers the impact on our boys and how to help them.

North Las Vegas Mayor Pamela Goynes-Brown announced the city is hosting a Black-owned business fair and white people are mad.

Let's delve into some fascinating New Year's superstitions as we head into a prosperous and successful 2024.

These good luck traditions are generational.

Here are a few topics to discuss during Thanksgiving that won't stir the pot and are super important to the black family.

Black News

Colorado's football coach shared his opinion.