Black News

NewsOne brings you in-depth reporting and analysis on the most pressing issues of the day, including politics, social justice, entertainment, and more. With exclusive interviews, expert commentary, and up-to-the-minute coverage, we are your go-to source for breaking news and informed perspectives from the Black community.

Research shows African Americans are twice as likely to be infected with Hepatitis C but less likely to be treated for the virus.

Kimberly Elise is among a subset of famous Black folks who strongly believe abortion is wrong.

Black people with red hair have a special gene mutation in the melanocortin 1 receptor.

Commemorating the historic efforts it took to raise Juneteenth from local celebrations of Black Freedom to becoming a full-fledged federal holiday in the U.S.

Civil Rights & Social Justice

The 14-year-old was the youngest person ever executed in the U.S. in the 20th century.

The racially discriminatory "redlining" lending practice has been outlawed for centuries, but unfortunately, a few remnants of the prejudice protocol continue to haunt Black and Brown homeowners today.

Black News

The annual get-together for “Divine Nine” Black Greek Letter Organization members returns.

Gadsden’s Wharf, a former slave docking port in Charleston, will soon get a positive makeover as the International African American Museum.


As corporate donations to fight racial inequality seemingly slow, the need for investment in the next generation of Black talent at HBCUs remains vital. IBM and Target spoke to NewsOne about their efforts.

Black News

"Black people are within their rights to resist oppression." - Dr. Betty Shabazz

Dana Dorsey was a bustling real estate mogul who built a massive wealth fortress by acquiring land and real estate throughout Miami.

What if I told you that the first people to roam the lands of Australia were Black migrants who arrived on the continent almost 80,000 years ago. These people are known as the Australian Aboriginal peoples.