
New York Congressman Jamaal Bowman lost his primary election to George Latimer's campaign that was replete with racist dog whistles. We have receipts.


Father's Day is the perfect time time to create a true Black Men’s Agenda that takes real issues and real action to chart a real roadmap to the future.

Trump-appointed federal judges shut down a newly drawn Louisiana congressional map that added a new majority-Black district.

The independent presidential candidate named the BLM-LA co-founder and Pan African Studies professor Melina Abdullah as his 2024 running mate.

Black candidates rose and fall as the general elections continue to take shape.

The Black Ballot

Texas Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee easily won her Super Tuesday primary election months after losing the Houston mayor runoff race.

An exclusive interview with Maryland's governor.

The powerful voting rights organization is hitting the road to educate and empower.

“The Democrats should not rely on the courts" to win the election, the candidate suggested.

The lone Black presidential candidate had time.

U.S. Rep Sheila Jackson Lee's decisive mayor runoff loss in Houston is prompting urgent questions about the longtime incumbent Texas Congresswoman’s political future.