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After being slammed for appearing to list a controversial tweet from Ann Coulter’s as a “favorite” on her Twitter account, Sarah Palin defended herself Friday by saying she didn’t even know how to tag Twitter posts.

On her account, Palin had appeared to list a Coulter tweet with a photograph of a sign outside of a church that said “The blood of Jesus against Obama history made 4 Nov 2008 a Taliban Muslim illegally elected president USA: Hussein.”

Palin, however, said it was simply a case of technology mismanagement.

“I’ve never purposefully ‘favorited’ any Tweet,” Palin wrote in an email to an ABC reporter on Friday. “I had to go back to my BlackBerry to even see if such a function was possible.”

And even if she did know how to tag a favorite tweet, she said she had been traveling that day anyway.

“I was traveling to Alaska that day … it was an obvious accidental ‘favoriting,'” she argued.

“But no one can mistake that Ann Coulter was obviously being tongue in cheek with that Tweet.”

Coulter, a conservative right-wing commentator, seemed to relish in the controversy.

On Thursday, she tweeted out a link to a column on it saying “so the ppl who were fine with rev. wright are suddenly indignant about this much more fun colorful black preacher.”

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