
Explore the latest opinion articles and editorials on current events from a Black perspective with NewsOne. We deliver insightful commentary and analysis on the most pressing issues of the day, from politics and social justice to entertainment and culture. Were the home of thought-provoking articles and exclusive viewpoints.


Ever since August 1973, hip-hop artists have turned to Afrofuturism – a mix of science fiction, politics and liberating fantasy


That night the streets of Ferguson, Missouri were packed. Every time the police escalated; more people turned out. 

Many Black people have responded to the brawl at Montgomery’s Riverfront Park by saying, "We are not our ancestors!"


What the Ferguson rebellion unknowingly ignited in Black people worldwide nine years ago was something of biblical proportions.


Henrietta Lacks is one of the most well-known examples of medical exploitation on a Black body. It is far from the only example.


Society's broader lack of understanding about the nuances of Black linguistics isn't his fault.

As Black people, we have to defend our humanity on a daily basis in America. Whiteness is a privilege that is wielded over us...


The Montgomery incident was not just a mere scuffle; it was a manifestation of a deeply rooted struggle for justice.


I believe the 1870s Ku Klux Klan Acts have something to teach us about the fourth count in the Jan. 6 case against Trump.


It’s not surprising, then, to hear some Asian Americans celebrating the Supreme Court’s decision as striking down discrimination against them.


Kamala Harris has been a strong and constant voice on some of the most important issues of our time from voting rights to climate change.

Let's take a look at the Black "scholars" the DeSantis administration selected to change the Black history standards in Florida.