Good News

A group of Black Philadelphia-based doctors is on a mission to ensure that communities of color have access to adequate COVID-19 testing.

Good News

Beyoncé’s philanthropic organization BeyGOOD will donate $6 million towards COVID-19 relief efforts.

The news pundit is once again called out for a problematic stance.

The rapper and his business partner are taking advantage of Governor Brian Kemp reopening Georgia.

The similarities between Donald Trump's presidency and the hit TV show "Curb Your Enthusiasm" were on glaring display when he suggested injecting people with a disinfectant to treat the coronavirus.

Her daughter is devastated that her mom "couldn't get taken care of by her own family," meaning Beaumont hospital.

One group of Republicans on social media took advantage of Maxine Waters' announcement that her sister was "dying" of the coronavirus by trying to shame her.

Folks still want businesses to reopen in their state despite the coronavirus pandemic.


This isn’t an accident. This is a direct order. From an illegitimate governor. And a cruelty that knows no limit. 

Barbershop owners and entrepreneurs speak out.

The Congressional Black Caucus says the Senate's Emergency Interim Aid Bill still overlooks the disproportionate effect the coronavirus is having on Black people.

Good News

Award-winning intellectual property lawyer Kimra Major-Morris shares how Black entrepreneurs can protect their online businesses amid COVID-19.