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LIBYA–While much of the news on Libya has focused on the ouster of Libyan leader Moammar Gaddafi, another narrative is being played out off the radar of the mainstream media.

Amidst the violence, lynch mobs have begun attacking Black Libyans, who largely inhabit the country’s south, because of their skin color and their ties to Gaddafi.

What’s not as well known is that a frightening racial element has started augmenting tribal tensions. That’s partially due to the fact that southern Libya, which is largely Black, is seen as being very pro-Gaddafi, but also because Gaddafi hired African mercenaries to fight rebel forces at the start of the conflict. Gaddafi is now gone, but many of the mercenaries remain, and some Libyans are taking out their aggression and anger on anyone with dark skin.


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