
Get up-to-the-minute coverage of crime and justice issues from a Black perspective, including police brutality cases and breaking news affecting Black communities. Stay informed with our comprehensive coverage of the latest crime, violence, and safety stories in Black neighborhoods.    

Kathleen Casillo was given a lenient plea deal.

A 17-year-old has surrendered to police after being identified as a person of interest in the shooting death of Koko Da Doll.


Pras Michel's lawyer is still predicting his client will "prevail" despite the jury's finding him guilty in a federal conspiracy trial. "This is not over," David Kenner said.

Disgraced singer R. Kelly has been transferred to a North Carolina prison s he serves his 30-year sentence for sex trafficking.


Missouri’s stand your ground law removes the duty to retreat anywhere a person may legally be, even beyond one’s “castle."

Kim Potter, the ex-Minnesota police officer who killed Daunte Wright after allegedly confusing her gun for a Taser, was released from prison before fully serving her already lenient sentence.

Ex-Louisville officer, Myles Cosgrove, who shot and killed Breonna Taylor is getting a new job in law enforcement. 

Kenneth Pilon's death threats targeted BLM supporters.

Rasheeda Williams, also known as Koko Da Doll, who starred in Sundance Film Festival doc Kokomo City, was fatally shot in Atlanta.

During an interview with CNN, Andrew Lester's grandson called the shooting “a horrible tragedy that never should have happened,

Andrew Lester, the man who shot Ralph Yarl, pleaded not guilty Wednesday to charges of first-degree assault.

Brian Michael Gaherty of Houston has been arrested and charged for sending racist threats to Rep. Maxine Waters and other congresswomen.