
Get the latest education news on issues affecting Black students, teachers, parents, and communities. NewsOne covers everything from policy and funding to social justice and equality in education. Stay informed and empowered with expert commentary, in-depth reporting, and exclusive interviews on the most critical issues for the Black community.


"I'm not saying I'm gonna change the world, but I guarantee that I will spark the brain that will change the world.” - Tupac Shakur


Now, In Color delves into the experiences of Black students who attend Yale University.

Sundai Brown is a 51-year-old teacher from Florida.

The conference honored 213 student-athletes from 13 institutions.

Kasim Brown and Ariana Ellerson are only in the seventh grade.

The teacher said he wanted to deliver a 'gut punch.'

A California university professor organized a course that focuses on President Donald Trump’s racism.

Meghan Markle is about join the royal family as Prince Harry‘s wife, but some people in the fam might need some cultural competency training, especially Princess Michael of Kent. Yeah, we don’t know who she is either, but her  government name is Baroness Marie-Christine von Reibnitz  and she is married to the Queen’s first cousin. […]


Columbia University has pledged to allocate $100 million over the span of five years towards faculty diversity.

A racist meme is circulating on the Boston College campus, and two Black Lives Matter signs were defaced in a residence hall.