
Explore the latest opinion articles and editorials on current events from a Black perspective with NewsOne. We deliver insightful commentary and analysis on the most pressing issues of the day, from politics and social justice to entertainment and culture. Were the home of thought-provoking articles and exclusive viewpoints.


Black women are still facing unrelenting attacks on their fundamental rights and freedoms in America.


Does Walmart really sell red velvet and cheesecake-flavored Juneteenth ice cream? Either way, white-owned corporations trademarking and commodifying Black culture is not new.


These people sustain woefully under-resourced movement work that consistently drives civic engagement above and beyond the election cycle. 


Black women are ensnared by interlocking social structures that render them single for far longer than they intend, with fewer intraracial dating options, theologian and author Ekemini Uwan writes.


Despite its name, the virus did not jump from monkeys to humans, nor are monkeys major carriers of the disease.


Black people have a chance to hold elected officials accountable during the 2022 primary season.


After nearly three months of silence on Griner, the Biden administration on May 3 declared that Griner had been “wrongfully detained.


University of Alabama Head Football Coach Nick Saban's allegations that Deion Sanders and Jackson State paid a top recruit to attend the HBCU is wrong and he needs to mind his own business. It’s that simple.


Mass public shootings in which four or more people are killed have become more frequent, and deadly, in the last decade. And the tragedy in Buffalo is the latest in a recent trend of mass public shootings taking place in retail establishments.

A mistake that continues to be made is treating white supremacy as only a fringe ideology or something disconnected from mainstream American life.


As a Black woman who manages local campaigns to expand abortion access in Georgia, reading Justice Alito’s words reminded me of the oppressive history of the United States Supreme Court.


Nearly seven decades after the U.S. Supreme Court’s unanimous landmark Brown v. Board of Education decision in 1954, the court’s declared goal of integrated education is still not yet achieved.