
Five of the seven Virginia police officers accused of murdering Irvo Otieno at a mental health hospital will have charges dropped, for now.


The gunman who killed at least three people "hated Black people," officials said.

Race Matters

Caitlin Davis, the woman who told Terrell Owens, “You’re a Black man approaching a white woman,” has been charged with a crime.

There’s only so much racist abuse people can take before they start fighting back.

Racial slurs are alleged in the California lawsuit.


A 28-year-old Black woman died after being in a coma from an encounter with police that somehow ended with her falling out of a police cruiser. She was suffering from a mental health crisis.

Race Matters

Students at Denver South High School were shown a video instructing them not to call the police to report a racist hate crime.


Why are police often given automatic credibility and shielding from accountability, after altercations with Black people?


The NFL player has been missing since a domestic violence arrest warrant was issued.

After spending 33 years in prison for a crime he maintained he did not commit, Crosley Green was released from prison, only to be ordered back.


Jemison, Alabama police delayed arresting a white driver accused of fleeing the scene of a hit and run that injured a Black woman, graphic video shows.


They fatally strapped 35-year-old Earl L. Moore face-down on a gurney in Springfield, Illinois.