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The Affordable Care Act and Obamacare were hot topics at this year’s Congressional Black Caucus Foundation, and President and CEO of the National Urban League, Marc Morial, shared his point of view. “[Obamacare] is good for the nation because it’s going to provide health coverage for millions of more Americans,” Morial said. “It’s going to […]

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Stand Your Ground has proved to be controversial as we see in the cases of George Zimmerman and Marissa Alexander. Dream Defenders director Phillip Agnew explains their role in debating Stand Your Ground laws in Florida. “We’re going to be moving people power and electoral power,” Agnew stated. “And as we grow we hope to […]

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Former soap opera star Victoria Rowell is trying her hand at crowdsourcing with Indiegogo to fund her latest project, “The Rich and the Ruthless.” “I want to get them [African Americans] to black-owned productions,” she said. “It can’t just be Tyler Perry and Oprah.” Stay connected on 2013 CBCF Coverage, and tune in to “NewsOne Now” with Roland […]

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Phillip Agnew, executive director of the Dream Defenders, discussed what the organization has done and the role young people have played in it while at the 2013 Congressional Black Caucus. “I think and I hope we provided a young way for people to engage in a constructive way [and] a powerful way”. Stay connected on 2013 CBCF […]

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Michael Skolnik of Global Grind believes young people’s ideas need to be heard rather than squandered. “We’re not activists. We’re not protestors,” Skolnik said. “We don’t just paint signs. We’re in the middle of mainstream America.” Stay connected on 2013 CBCF Coverage, and tune in to “NewsOne Now” with Roland Martin this fall on TV One!

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Michael Skolnik, editor-in-chief of Global Grind, believes that there might be a preconceived notion when it comes to young people and activism. “There are amazing young women and young men who are doing the work,” Skolnik said, “I think that the issue for us on how to embrace their work is to believe in them.” […]

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It is still unclear of the actions we should take as a country after the Zimmerman verdict. Michael Skolnik of Global Grind believes that serious planning is needed. “We need to look deeply at the root pain of the problems of urban America and come up with a plan,” Skolnik proposed. Stay connected on 2013 CBCF […]

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Global Grind’s Michael Skolnik has been very vocal about gun violence since the Zimmerman verdict was read. He calls for a prodding of why young people are picking up a gun at all. “There’s a difference between someone picking up a gun, someone pulling the trigger of the gun and shooting at someone,” said Skolnik. […]

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Charles Ogletree says that affordable healthcare is a universal issue, and one that needs to be supported by all of Congress. “The whole idea of Obamacare – I call it Obamacares – is something that is universal that everyone will benefit,” Ogletree said. Stay connected on 2013 CBCF Coverage, and tune in to “NewsOne Now” with Roland Martin […]

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Rep. David Scott talks healthcare at the 2013 Congressional Black Caucus. He went into why Obamacare is already showing importance for those who have been lacking coverage for years. Stay connected on 2013 CBCF Coverage, and tune in to “NewsOne Now” with Roland Martin this fall on TV One!

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Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee commend President Obama on getting the U.S. involved with Syria. “I believe it was important,” she said.  “I spent time in any number of of classified briefings for days and days because it’s a serious decision. Stay connected on 2013 CBCF Coverage, and tune in to “NewsOne Now” with Roland Martin this fall on TV […]

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Not everyone agrees with President Obama’s involvement with Syria. Charles Ogletree doesn’t believe that invading is the best solution. “We saw children, we saw mothers who were victims of this chemical weapons, and they died,”  Ogletree stated, “and we can’t forget that.” Stay connected on 2013 CBCF Coverage, and tune in to “NewsOne Now” with Roland Martin this […]