A civil lawsuit has been filed on behalf of Ralph Yarl, who was shot by defendant Andrew Lester after Yarl went to the wrong house.


The shootings of Ralph Yarl and Ajike "AJ" Owens by white neighbors are important to our national conversation about race and Black folks' sense of place.

The teen is speaking out for the first time since a white man shot him in the head.

The 17-year-old was shot in the head after going to the wrong home.


Missouri’s stand your ground law removes the duty to retreat anywhere a person may legally be, even beyond one’s “castle."

During an interview with CNN, Andrew Lester's grandson called the shooting “a horrible tragedy that never should have happened,

Andrew Lester, the man who shot Ralph Yarl, pleaded not guilty Wednesday to charges of first-degree assault.

84-year-old Andrew Lester has been charged with first-degree assault in the shooting of Ralph.