From The Daily Kos: On the day before Election Day — that final moment when candidates decide where they want to make their last case to the voters they want to win the most  — Barack Obama chose to visit three big battleground states: Florida, North Carolina and Virginia.

From In an editorial appearing in today’s New York Times, Michigan native and former Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney writes Congress should not give the Big 3 a bailout.

While the presidential race is grabbing the majority of the press coverage, Election Day could be historic for another reason as well. Democrats hope to control sixty seats in the Senate when all the ballots are counted, which would give them a filibuster-proof super majority.

Yesterday on Meet the Press, Tom Brokaw asked Colin Powell what he would say to people who said that he was endorsing Obama for his skin color. I thought this was a racist question at first. Would Brokaw ask Joe Lieberman what he would say to people who said he was endorsing John McCain because […]