The BBC is reporting that there is strong evidence that many adults and children are being used as slaves in Darfur. They also report that the Sudanese army has been abducting young women to use as sex slaves.

The first child born at the White House was the grandson of President Thomas Jefferson. The second child born there was his property — the African-American baby of Jefferson’s two slaves.

A white social studies teacher attempted to enliven a seventh-grade discussion of slavery by binding the hands and feet of two black girls, prompting outrage from one girl’s mother and the local chapter of the NAACP. After the mother complained to Haverstraw Middle School, the superintendent said he was having “conversations with our staff on […]

From The Seattle Times: A historical line can be drawn from these Low Country cabins to Michelle Obama, charting an American family's improbable journey through slavery, segregation, the civil-rights movement and a historic presidential election.

Although the lingering memory of African slavery tends to fade from the American consciousness, there are still unanswered questions about the nature of its rituals. As anthropological theories multiply, and the technology for recording slave history improves, historians can create a clearer picture of the slave tradition. Under Maryland’s Fleet Street laid some new clues […]