Nation, NewsOne Now, Politics

Voter registration has surged in Ferguson after the shooting death of Michael Brown. Since that fateful day when Brown was murdered by Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson, nearly 5,000 new voters were registered in St. Louis County and 3,000 new voters registered in Ferguson. Roland Martin, host of “NewsOne Now;” Jarvis Stewart, Chairman/Managing Parter of Ian Reid LLC; Aisha […]


WASHINGTON (AP) — Officials in Ferguson, Missouri, are charging nearly 10 times the cost of some of their own employees’ salaries before they will agree to turn over files under public records laws about the fatal shooting of 18-year-old Michael Brown. The move discourages journalists and civil rights groups from investigating the shooting and its […]


RAR Communications, a public relations team teaching St. Louis, Mo., officers how to interact with media following Ferguson protests, may need some PR training themselves, according to the New York Daily News. RELATED: Michael Brown’s Family In Atlanta To Push For Police Body Cameras With bullet points titled “Meet the 900-Pound Gorilla” and “Feeding the […]

Nation, NewsOne Now

The family of Michael Brown is turning the focus in Ferguson to voting in an attempt to change the political power structure in the St. Louis suburb. Roland Martin and the “NewsOne Now” panel discuss the impact daily protests and an increase in the number of minority voters can have in changing Ferguson. Listen to […]

UPDATED: August 9, 1:26 PM EST: LATEST COVERAGE OF THE GRAND JURY DECISION AFTERMATH IN FERGUSON: NEWSONE ORIGINAL: Anguish and Outrage After Darren Wilson Grand Jury Decision [VIDEO] “Y’all Know Y’all Wrong!” Michael Brown’s Mother Reacts To Grand Jury Decision [VIDEO] Michael Brown, Jr.’s Parents Release Statement: ‘We Are Profoundly Disappointed’ UPDATED: St. Louis Police […]

The response to the unrest in Ferguson, Mo., — sparked by the police shooting death of Michael “Mike” Brown by a police officer — has galvanized a nation. Social media has been instrumental in engaging supporters who want to provide assistance to relief workers in the town to bring calm and order in the aftermath […]

Monday morning in St. Louis, the funeral ceremony for 18-year-old Michael “Mike” Brown took place at the Friendly Temple Missionary Baptist Church. As expected, the entire nation turned its eyes to the region as the family and supporters rallied around each other and expressed a peaceful call for justice. RELATED: Michael Brown’s Killer Ex Member […]

Nation, NewsOne Now

Podcast: Download Nearly two weeks of unrest in Ferguson has put a spotlight on the town revealing many interesting and disturbing truths. Roland Martin and “NewsOne Now” look at unemployment, education, the political power structure and how to go from a moment to a movement in the St. Louis suburb. Dellena Jones, Owner of the 911 Hair Salon in Ferguson, Ify […]

Nation, NewsOne Now

Nearly two weeks of unrest in Ferguson has put a spotlight on the town revealing many interesting and disturbing truths. Roland Martin and “NewsOne Now” look at unemployment, education, the political power structure and how to go from a moment to a movement in the St. Louis suburb. Dellena Jones, Owner of the 911 Hair Salon in Ferguson, Ify Ike, Founder & […]

Nation, NewsOne Now

St. Louis police officer Darren Wilson is being confused with the officer that fatally shot Michael Brown on August 9th. Both officers share the same name, but the Darren Wilson who appeared Tuesday on “NewsOne Now” is making the case for diversity in law enforcement. Officer Wilson, President of the Ethical Society of Police, spoke […]

Rev. Al Sharpton says we’re missing one key thing in the Michael Brown story: justice. The Ferguson police chief has revealed the name of Mike…

The nation is outraged over Michael Brown‘s murder, but Pastor Jamal Bryant says we can’t be more angry than his family. Bryant had the opportunity…