The new anti-affirmative action lawsuit aiming to strike down race-conscious admissions at West Point farcically claims racism in the military has been “virtually nonexistent post-Vietnam.”


West Point and the Naval Academy have concluded that the hand gesture displayed during a live broadcast of the Navy-Army football game was not racist.


Military officials investigating possible use of white supremacist hand gesture.

Some serious Black girl magic at West Point.

Good News

Cadet Simone Askew has made history for becoming the first Black woman appointed to lead West Point cadets.

Viral photo shows emotional Haitian immigrant graduating at the top of his West Point class. He plans to become a pilot.


Sixteen female West Point cadets, who took a photo with their arms raised in Black Power fists, did not violate a directive that warns against “partisan political activity” while in uniform

Cross Post Now

Their empowering gesture may violate a Department of Defense rule that warns against “partisan political activity” while in uniform.