Race Matters

7 out of 10 Republicans adhere to the same racist "Great Replacement Theory" touted by the Buffalo mass shooter, new data shows.

In an ironic twist, Payton Gendron, the suspected white supremacist in custody following this weekend’s deadly shooting rampage in Buffalo that's been widely attributed to anti-Black racism, has a best friend who is of a different ethnicity.

Race Matters

Why aren't Republican lawmakers across America scrambling to ban "Great Replacement Theory" (also called "White Replacement Theory") from institutions of learning amid the mass shooting in Buffalo, New York, committed by Payton S. Gendron?

The gunman who allegedly killed at least 10 people in a supermarket in a Black neighborhood in Buffalo left a manifesto espousing "White Replacement Theory," a racist conspiracy theory increasingly popular in far-right and ultra-conservative political circles.