Virginia Lt. Gov. Winsome Earle-Sears called State Sen. Danica Roem "sir."

Race Matters

On the first day of BHM, Virginia Lt. Gov. Winsome Sears tweeted a video message that seemed to be very careful about making sure "all people of all colors" were comfortable instead of just recognizing the month as a celebration by, for and about Blackity-Black people and our historical achievements. 

Race Matters

During an interview with CNN, Virginia Lt. Gov. Winsome Sears came through with a picture-perfect example of what makes her a white nationalist sockpuppet as she decried Critical Race Theory while obfuscating what it actually is.

Race Matters

Winsome Sears, Virginia's new lieutenant governor, is the first woman of color to be elected to the position and the first woman of color to win any statewide election there. She's also a Republican willing to say all of the white people-friendly things regarding race relations in America.