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The basic story of the 2010 Midterm Elections has Republicans as the big winners in a massive tidal wave and Democrats licking their wounds in one big rebuke to President Obama. End of story, what’s for lunch? Well… not quite. Some pretty fascinating surprises were buried in the returns.

Here are nine groundbreaking, unusual, and and just plain historic results from Tuesday’s midterm elections:

  1. America has its first transgendered trial court judge: Say hello to newly minted Judge Victoria Kolakowski of the Alameda Country Superior Court in Oakland, California.
  2. The Deep South has sent a black Republican to the House for the first time since Reconstruction: Tim Scott of South Carolina is also the first black GOP member of Congress since Oklahoma’s J.C. Watts retired in 2003.
  3. A dead woman was elected to the California State Senate: Democratic state Senator Jenny Oropeza died two weeks before Election Day due to complications from a blood clot she suffered after battling cancer. Oropeza remained on the ballot and won. A special election will be called in December.

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2010 Midterm Elections

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