Mauricio Garcia, the Texas Mexican man who killed eight people, left behind a social media profile filled with white supremacist rhetoric.

The racist-in-chief strikes again.


According to Rep. Waters, the 2008 financial crisis "exposed weaknesses in our regulatory framework" and "brought to the forefront the widespread disparities that exist in a variety of aspects of life for African American families."

Cross Post Now, NewsOne Now

According to new data from the Department of Education, graduation rates for Black and Hispanic students increased by nearly four percentage points from 2011 to 2013, outpacing growth for all students in the nation. Even though the gap between Black and Hispanic students and their White/Asian counterparts is closing and more minorities are receiving high school diplomas, the […]

WASHINGTON — Sen. John McCain said Sunday that the potentially powerful Hispanic vote in the upcoming presidential election remains “up for grabs” because neither President Barack Obama nor Republicans have convinced these voters that they are on their side.

EAST HAVEN, Conn. — Santiago Malave has worked law enforcement jobs in Connecticut for more than four decades, but as a Puerto Rican, he says he cannot drive through his own town without worrying about police harassing him.

WASHINGTON — President Barack Obama’s once solid support among Hispanics is showing a few cracks, a troubling sign for Democrats desperate to get this critical constituency excited about helping the party hold onto Congress in November’s election.

From At last week’s immigration march on Washington, tens of thousands of immigrants and activists rallied around the Capitol Building, calling for legislation that would afford legal status to the millions of illegal immigrants living and working within the United States. While official crowd estimates for such events are notoriously unreliable, the New York […]