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Chicago Mayor Lightfoot to Trump: What I really want to say begins with F and it ends with U

Source: Chicago Tribune / Getty

Gang violence is an issue that has extended across the globe, but the condition in Chicago specifically has often been compared to a literal war zone.

To combat the cities gun violence and gang problem directly, Chi-Town’s mayor Lori Lightfoot is looking to hit gang members where it hurts by not only taking them to court but also coming for their assets.

As reported by Chicago Sun-Times, the state’s attorneys have been incorporating the Illinois Street Gang Prevention Act to actually seek monetary damages from gang members using the legal route, even going as far as to bar them from associating with each other and possessing guns in general.

As Lightfoot put it, “We can’t wait for anybody else,” further cementing her stance on the issue by adding, “We have an opportunity to bring these violent street gangs into civil court, out of the shadows, expose them for what they are — and, if we’re successful, and I think we will be, take their assets and the profit motive for killing our babies. We have to put a marker down that we are using every tool in our toolkit to push back against these violent gangs that are leaving a trail of blood and death and misery in their wake.”

However, not everyone is behind Lightfoot’s efforts to rid the Chicago streets of crime in this way. Attorney John Mauck, who’s been successful at defending against lawsuits like the one proposed by Lightfoot, described her announcement as “98% political and 2% reality.” Also calling it a “toothless charade,” Mauck made his point clear by stating, “They can get dozens of court orders, but it will not stop crime.”

A spokesman from the ACLU of Illinois told the Chicago Sun Times that the plan wouldn’t work and that “Civil asset forfeiture is not the vehicle for reducing gun violence.”

According to the Chicago Police Department, there were 78 homicides in the city, just in the month of August. As of September 1st, authorities have recorded 2,344 shootings in 2021.

Given the various reports we’ve heard over the years relating to the climate of crime in Chicago, we can definitely see where Lori Lightfoot was going with this one. However, does she have a chance at success with this initiative or does John Mauck’s assessment of the situation sound more like brutal honesty? Sound off!


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Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot Plans To Seize Assets From Gangs Through Litigation  was originally published on