About cganemccalla

Yesterday on Meet the Press, Tom Brokaw asked Colin Powell what he would say to people who said that he was endorsing Obama for his skin color. I thought this was a racist question at first. Would Brokaw ask Joe Lieberman what he would say to people who said he was endorsing John McCain because […]

Comedian and Actor, Rudy Ray Moore is dead at age 81. Rudy Ray Moore was best known for his Blacksploitation film, Dolemite, in which he played a rhyming pimp. Dolemite released several comedy albums in the 60’s and 70’s. His style was risque and he was considered more explicit than his contemporaries Redd Foxx and […]

Since the New York Times is running a story on Cindy McCain’s drug addiction, here’s the story we did a few months back on it. From 1989 to 1992, Cindy McCain was a drug addict. She was addicted to Percoset and Vicodin. Rather than go to a street dealer or doctor shop like Rush Limbaugh, […]

There have been a number of videos circulating around the internet showing the ignorance, fear and hatred of McCain/Palin supporters. Many are disturbing and show the deep rooted ignorance of McCain’s supporters as well as what McCain and Palin are doing to to incite this anger. Here are our Top 5 McCain Palin Hate-Mob videos.

Jay-Z has continued his transformation into a respectable citizen and icon and continued his support for Barack Obama. He recently shot a PSA informing voters in Michigan of their rights and the process of voting if you don’t have an ID. Watch the Video After the Jump

Last night on the Dave Letterman show, McCain was asked about his ‘criminal affiliations.’ The person he was referring to was G Gordon Liddy. Liddy was a staff aid for Nixon and was one of the central figures in the Watergate scandal.

Yesterday, Barack Obama and John Mccain appeared at the Waldorf Astoria for the Alfred E. Smith benefit dinner. Both men had some pretty funny lines. McCain had a couple jokes for Hillary Clinton and Keith Olbermann and Obama has some funny jokes about Rudy Giulani. Watch the Video After the Jump

Joe the Plumber aka Joseph Wurzelbacher’s is far from your average Joe and far from your average plumber(if he is one) . The average salary for plumbers in the united states is $37,000 a year even if you make it into the top 25% of plumber salaries, your salary is $44,000 a year.

An old video of a Batman show from the 60’s is resurfacing on the net. A lot of people are comparing the episode, in which the Penguin had a debate with Batman, to Mccain and Obama. The Penguin, just as McCain, smears Batman as a criminal with questionable associations, while Batman is cool and collected. […]

Last night in the debate, McCain asked Obama to repudiate John Lewis’s comparison of McCain to Geroge Wallace. This is funny coming from a man who’s surrogates and campaign managers actively compare Barack Obama to Osama bin Laden. What McCain didn’t get and that Obama pointed out is that Lewis was not trying to insinuate […]

McCain has all but assured the public that he would bring up William Ayers in the third and final debate. We all wondered what exactly Obama’s response would be. Judging by our early predictions, Obama made the right decision.

Democratic Rep. John Murtha said Wednesday his home base of western Pennsylvania is racist and that could reduce Barack Obama’s victory margin in the state by 4 percentage points.