About cganemccalla

As of recently FOX News, Right Wing talk radio and the right wing blogosphere have made a concerted effort to discredit and demonize ACORN (Association of Community Organizers for Reform Now). They have accused ACORN of voter fraud and of changing voter logs and made ACORN to seem like a radical untrustworthy organization. However, McCain […]

McCain’s campaign has taken a very negative turn. Rather than speaking about his own credentials and his own plans for America, or attempting to unite American people, the McCain campaign has turned into hate rallies against Obama.

Filmmaker and activist, Byron Hurt has a new short film, entitled, Barack and Curtis. Hurt had previously directed the critically acclaimed documntary, Hip Hop: Beyond Beats and Rhymes, which looked into the negativity, violence and misogyny of Hip Hop. The new film deals with black masculinity with two vastly different figures, Barack Obama and Curtis’ […]

Gawker has claimed to have found Sarah Palin’s report card. If true, the results are not pretty. She had a 2.2 CPA and only scored 841 on her SAT’s. Previous reports have said that Palin had attended 5 different colleges in 6 years.

40 years ago Martin Luther King gave a speech to the American people. He had a dream. Part of that dream was making sure that not only African Americans had the right to vote but also that they had something to vote for.

This election has made a star of CNN Anchor, Campbell Brown. She has made another insightful statement on the election. She chastised John McCain for race baiting, using surrogates to invoke Obama’s middle name, and not controlling angry crowds. She also talked about people who have accused McCain of being racist for is ‘That One’ […]

During last nights presidential debate twice John McCain referred to Obama as ‘That One.’ Not as Senator Obama, Barack, he, that man or him but ‘That One.’ The term already turned off a number of pundits who believed that it it was demeaning, dehumanizing and mean spirited. Just as in the last debate, unlike his […]

A while ago, I made plans to watch Godfather I and II. I had bought my tickets, forgetting that the VP debate was on the same night. After watching the movie, I came to the conclusion that I made the right decision. The Godfather is more politically relevant to this year’s election than the VP […]

In a new video clip, it appears as if the Fox Television show, The Simpsons, is endorsing Obama. In the clip, Homer Simpson tries several times to vote for Obama and is a victim of voter fraud. Homer even uses Obama’s slogan of ‘Change’ in the clip saying he wants to vote for Obama because […]

In his latest video blog, Puffy is expressing a great fear of a Sarah Palin Presidency. He used a clip from the Katie Couric interview to illustrate his point and used the occasion to encourage people to register and vote.

Presidential candidate and former congresswoman, Cynthia McKinney, has claimed that 5,000 looters were killed in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. McKinney claimed to have spoken to a mother who said that her son had confided in her that he was involved with the executions of several looters who were subsequently dumped in the swamp. She […]