About Christina Coleman

Here are just some examples of the horrifying things the two candidates have said in the wake of the attack that prove they are using the tragedy as political gain...or as a continuation of their xenophobic rhetoric.

Trump's presence on the list marks the first time the firm has considered the rise of a presidential candidate as a global risk.

"I've made my decision: Today, I will announce the person I believe is eminently qualified to sit on the Supreme Court," Obama wrote.

Sri Srinivasan, Merrick Garland and Paul Watford -- who, if confirmed, would be the nation's third Black justice after Clarence Thomas and Thurgood Marshall -- were named by the source as the potential nominees, confirming the nation could know as early as Monday who the president chooses.

When asked by Terina Allen, the sister of Sam Dubose -- a Black man fatally shot by former University of Cincinnati officer Ray Tensing during a traffic stop last year -- about police accountability, Sanders insisted that institutional racism police reform would be priority if he were to become president.

Over the weekend, presidential hopeful and GOP frontrunner Donald Trump garnered an endorsement from another unlikely source -- the brother of murdered civil rights leader Medgar Evers.

The Texas state trooper who remained on payroll after he was indicted in the arrest of Sandra Bland -- a black woman who died in a jail cell three days after she was taken into custody last summer -- has been formally terminated.

The video, which shows the unidentified officer slapping the teenager twice -- loud enough to hear the impact -- before kicking he or she as they walk down the stairs, has prompted the suspension of both officers involved in the incident.

A 911 caller reported that a Black male wearing a hoodie and a bandana was waving a firearm in the parking lot at about 7:15 p.m. Friday night. Officers who arrived on the scene told the teenager to stop walking northbound on Electric Road. When he did not comply with their commands, police twice-attempted to stun Spencer with a Taser.

Strategically placing themselves at the front of the crowd, youth activist Ashley Williams, accompanied by a colleague, held a sign that displayed Clinton's previous comments in an effort to "bring her to confront her own words."

Former Black Panther Sekou Odinga and Black Lives Matter activist Larry Fellows may come from different Black liberation movements, but both understand that to truly celebrate Black History Month, we must dig deeper.

Uber, the convenient ride-sharing app, confirmed that 45-year-old Jason Brian Dalton was an employee with the company, stating he also passed a background check.