About Michael Arceneaux

A week ago, I saw a flier in my Harlem barbershop about a rally to mark the two-year anniversary of Trayvon Martin’s death at the hands of vigilante and village idiot, George Zimmerman. I’d love to sit here and say that I immediately studied it with plans to head downtown in memoriam today. Instead, I […]

Before the 2014 NAACP Image Awards officially kicked off, we were greeted by the sounds of Pharrell Williams’ upbeat hit single, “Happy” coupled with a slew of famous Black celebrities grinning and bopping. One of them, actress Tika Sumpter, asked us during that opening segment, “Can you feel the energy?” We could and it carried […]

Bryan Fischer will say anything to legitimize his beliefs that gay people are cooties-having hedonists destined for a life of hell. Their greatest crime? Not anal, not vaginal for vaginal relations, but daring to ask the majority at large that they treat people different from them with common decency and give them the same legal […]

It’s funny how frequently Black people find themselves ridiculed for purportedly feigning victimhood (insert whines about “playing the race card” and whatever euphemism others use to describe Black folks just being honest) and yet it’s mostly the most privileged people walking the Earth who complain the most. I had already pegged Michael Dunn to be an […]

As admirable as it is to pretend that if we just ignore George Zimmerman and his pathetic attempts at turning the infamy he gained from killing Trayvon Martin into full-fledged celebrity, I am neither that naive nor optimistic. Sure, I support anyone who refuses to utter his name ever again. Hell, I applaud you and […]

Like Senior Pastor John Guns (pictured), I’m a firm believer in operating in the world exactly as it is versus the way in which you think it ought to be. Whimsical thinking has its limitations, especially for any person of color met with the realities of White supremacy and institutionalized racism. Still, even in the […]

This week, the Senate, or more specifically, Senate Republicans, had two opportunities to show that their wing of the legislative body had a heart as opposed to a gold-encrusted ice box full of IOUs to their corporate sugar daddies. Both opportunities were measures to extend unemployment benefits. Given a reported 1.3 million workers lost their jobless […]

If you let Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky) tell it, then there is no such thing as a “war on women,” and even if there was, women are winning the battle so what’s there to complain about? Speaking with CNN’s Candy Crowley, Paul asserted, “The whole thing of the ‘war on women,’ I sort of laughingly say, ‘Yeah, there […]

Naturally, a person who thinks sensitivity is overrated is the same one serving as a prime example of its necessity. As reported by the Colorado Statesman, Black and Latino Democrats are working on legislation to address various economic disparities between White Coloradans and those of color. Besides merely wanting to do the right thing, these […]

Ted Nugent (pictured) has long proven himself to be nothing more than the Ku Klux Klan meets a fine arts class. That said, no one should be surprised that the rocker and racist who won’t admit he’s a racist continues to spew racial venom in the direction of President Barack Obama. Nugent, who is in […]

Oliver Stone (pictured) is the kind of person, who when speaking freely, can either make you throw one hand in the air like you’re listening to 1992 Mariah Carey or throw your entire face in to that same hand in an effort to escape the ridiculousness you’ve just heard. It really all depends on the […]

I hated the way Reverend Jeremiah Wright was treated during the 2008 presidential campaign. Republicans used him as another means of fueling White racial fears that then Sen. Barack Obama was some militant Black man who, if elected, would force every White person to pledge allegiance to Bad Boy Records, start eating scrapple and be […]