About Michael Arceneaux

Instead of finally offering an alternative plan to the Affordable Health Care Act versus fruitless attempts at repealing it, Speaker of the House John Boehner (R-OH, pictured) has continued to make a spectacle over the debate on how to best help the tens of millions of Americans that live without health insurance. His most-recent act of foolishness is signing […]

Allen West (pictured) wouldn’t know common sense if kidnapped him, but he has the nerve to deem someone else incompetent. Now that West’s district has voted to eject him from Congress, he’s been hard at work at boosting his profile within the nonsensical, bats**t crazy world of conservative media. To his credit, he is a natural […]

Ever since CNN anchor Don Lemon (pictured) decided to start editorializing, he has not shown himself to be a serious thinker. Lemon has developed a knack for trivializing complicated sociopolitical issues affecting people of color, mostly by offering personal anecdotes to argue positions that could be easily debunked with data, such as when he peddled […]

Anytime you preface a statement with “this isn’t racist, but…” chances are it’s just that. Sarah Palin (pictured), who at this point serves no other purpose than to operate as the unsightly cold sore of political discourse, compared the federal debt to slavery while speaking at the Iowa Faith & Freedom Coalition’s fall fundraiser on Saturday night. […]

After rising from fourth place into front-runner and ultimate winner of the Democratic New York mayoral primary, it’s been more or less a forgone conclusion that Bill de Blasio would become New York’s newest mayor. RELATED:   De Blasio Wins Resounding Victory In NYC, Set To Replace Bloomberg 10 Things You Didn’t Know About Bill De Blasio He is […]

I’m always weary of being critical of Harry Belafonte (pictured) for fear of catching the beat down from an older Black person. Like catching a swift kick to the shin or a purse at the back of my neck coupled with a raspy voice shouting, “Respect ya elders, child!” So it is with great trepidation […]

The current reigning champ of political stunts, shows, and spectacle Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX, pictured) continues to illustrate the need for four letter words, after arguing that Black people actually benefit from Stand Your Ground laws during a Senate hearing on the controversial legislation and other public safety measures. RELATED: Trayvon Martin Shooting Reenacted In […]

For the millionth time, racist old people in positions of power: If you don’t want your bigotry to be made in to big headlines all over Al Gore’s Internet, go back to journaling. Not that many in the Grand Old Party maintain such modesty, but in the case of Nevada Assemblyman Jim Wheeler (pictured), it’s a lesson […]

The three largest mental health providers in the nation are the following jails: Cook County in Illinois, Los Angeles County and Rikers Island in New York. It didn’t have to be this way and it’s not as if past political leaders haven’t tried. This week, USA Today took a look at the Community Mental Health Act,  the last piece […]

For the life of me, I will never understand the kind of Black conservative that longs to be nestled under the bosom of stupid, indignant White conservatives, hoping to get an animal cookie–or better yet, ogled like a baby kangaroo at the National Zoo. Before you even dare suggest it, I’m not referring to the likes […]

In 2007, a three-judge panel of the 7th Circuit in Indiana upheld the nation’s first voter ID law along party lines. At the time, Democrats and the American Civil Liberties Union argued that a voter ID law passed by a Republican-controlled legislature in Indiana would have a disparate impact on the poor and minorities due to […]

Self-important and deeply delusional conservative columnist and pundit George Will compared the Affordable Health Care Act to the Fugitive Slave Act and segregation laws on Wednesday during an interview with NPR’s “Morning Edition.” The flawed analogy came after host Steve Inskeep prompted Will about President Barack Obama’s stance that Republicans are short-circuiting the system by using government funding and an extension of the debt […]