About Michael Arceneaux

If this world were mine, now would be the time I’d have House Oversight Committee Chairman Darrell Issa (R-CA, pictured) brought out on to the House floor and bombarded with thousands of bird seeds — a fitting ending for a conservative congressman who used his position of power to cluck about a damn scandal he made up […]

There’s a reason why Ken Cuccinelli, the Republican nominee for Virginia governor, distanced himself from E.W. Jackson (pictured) within hours of Jackson securing the nomination as his No. 2: Jackson is crazy. Back in May, the Virginia gubernatorial hopeful said, “We are not going to be defending our running mates’ statements, now or in the […]

Elder Black folk of the world, forgive me, but I can’t help but say publicly that unless Bill Cosby (pictured) is talking about pudding pops or cracking jokes on “Late Show with David Letterman,” I don’t want to hear it anymore. I try to avoid disrespecting my elders, but at this point Cosby, continues to belittle sects […]

Not that cable news culture and George W. Bush‘s political career aren’t strong enough indicators of this factoid, but I can always count on a poll to convey just how information-challenged many Americans are. Sometimes I can’t help but laugh, though in instances like these all I can do is get angry. According to an […]

Stop me if you’ve heard this before, but the GOP and their archaic attitudes about sexuality, race, and anything that doesn’t involve White heterosexual men only into missionary sex and controlling birth canals have alienated them from younger voters. Everyone and their MSNBC-watching nephew knows this, but the Republican Party recently conducted an internal review […]

For those who might wonder why a Black honor student would carry a gun, Carlos Ball eloquently explained the dual realities that exist for many Black men and women in this country while speaking with the local CBS affiliate in St. Louis, “The way St. Louis streets work, we’re afraid out here. We’re afraid of […]

In simpler times, once a public figure proved themselves to be audaciously lazy, remarkably simple-minded, and lost any semblance of actual political power and influence, they would go off in to the sunset never to be heard from again. Then came the 24-hour news cycle, and of course, the Internet, which allowed the dense and […]

The “Get-That-N*gger” sect of the GOP is not bending on their talk of impeaching President Barack Obama. Yes, despite many Republican leaders urging their sillier members to slow down, lunatics, such as Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah, pictured) can’t stop, won’t stop. In an interview with the National Journal, Chaffetz claims, “This is an administration embroiled in […]

In the overly dramatic story entitled “An Onset of Woes Raises Questions on Obama Vision,” the New York Times reports that President Barack Obama has privately expressed his desire of “going Bulworth,” a reference to the political comedy movie of the same name starring Warren Beatty. If you don’t remember the movie, just know that it […]

After an IRS official acknowledged that the agency flagged some 75 conservative groups for additional reviews due to their names including the words “tea party” or “patriot,” Tea Partiers and the people that suck up to them lost their collective minds. SEE ALSO: BlackStartup: The African American Solution To Crowdfunding Tea Party lovechild Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) […]

Dear Republicans: I know that in your mind, Benghazi is all the rage out here on these streets, or at the very least, ought to be. However, I need to inform y’all (for the umpteenth time) that Benghazi is not going to be the big Democratic-hurting scandal you want it to be. No matter how hard you […]

Although many networks continue to pretend that people on both sides of the political aisle are equally nasty toward each other in the name of patronization balance, leave it to the National Rifle Association to blow such silly folklore to smithereens. This week, the Rev. Al Sharpton (pictured) took shots at what he dubbed “The […]