About smokey fontaine

From TheRoot.com: By any objective measure–moral, legal, ethical, the eyes of his horrified mother–the hip-hopper Wale screwed up. Management for the gifted artist best known for his duet with Lady Gaga contracted him to perform at D.C. Black Pride, a 20-year-old festival–for 45 minutes and $18,000. At the last minute, his team backed out, claiming […]

From TheGrio.com: A woman has been charged with smuggling heroin into Florida’s Charlotte County Jail by hiding it in her vagina. Katrina Montez Wade, 37, was arrested on May 20th when deputies raided a suspected drug den in Port Charlotte. Wade and another woman went to jail on trafficking charges after detectives say they found […]

From NewAmericaMedia.org: While Jena Sheriff says he is trying to rid his community of drugs, critics accuse him of exacting revenge against Black residents.

From BlackVoices.com: I don’t have to list President Barack Obama’s credentials, but I will.

From BlackVoices.com: To many outside of the Washington, D.C., area (or “ureah” as we would say), go-go seems like some random localized fad whose percussion-heavy beat is often unbearable after a few minutes of listening. To those of us, though, who grew up with the music, it is as much a part of who we […]

SALT LAKE CITY — An agent for Gary Coleman says the late actor’s family is planning a memorial service but hasn’t decided whether it would be private or public.

From TheRoot.com: At last week’s immigration march on Washington, tens of thousands of immigrants and activists rallied around the Capitol Building, calling for legislation that would afford legal status to the millions of illegal immigrants living and working within the United States. While official crowd estimates for such events are notoriously unreliable, the New York […]

From TheGrio.com: It almost makes perfect sense to the criminal mind.  If you want fake breasts, why not use a false ID?

From HuffingtonPost.com: This week Congress will consider legislation to reauthorize extended unemployment benefits for the rest of the year. It’s going to be an epic fight: Republicans in the Senate will likely do everything they can to stand in the way of a bill projected to add $123 billion to the deficit, forcing Dem leadership […]

From TheGrio.com: We’re used to students harassing each other, but this might take the communion cake: two public high school teachers in Pompano Beach have been accused of sprinkling holy water on a colleague after she confessed herself an atheist.

From Sacbee.com A complaint filed with the state’s political watchdog agency this week claims that Chris Kelly violated state election law in donating nearly $10 million to his campaign for attorney general.