About Kwame Jackson

Kwame Jackson is a global contributor for Newsweek and a frequent political commentator for CNN, MSNBC, FOX, and NewsOne. Best known for his inspiring leadership performance as the Runner-Up on Season 1 of NBC’s Apprentice, Kwame combines his Harvard Business School, Goldman Sachs, and Procter & Gamble corporate pedigree with thoughtful civic engagement, and an affable nature that allows him to touch audiences from the Boardroom to the Barrio as a sought after professional speaker and US Department of Commerce National Entrepreneur Awardee. Currently on a year-long 50 country global leadership, research, and writing sabbatical; you can find Kwame training to complete the 6 World Marathon Majors and on Twitter and Instagram @kwameinc.

Two straight white men have not represented America as a whole for quite some time, yet we keep defaulting to this “white male savior” template of leadership.

America was founded on big thinking like the Green New Deal, resisting and never prospering from small thinking, scare tactics or myopic vision.

"What started as a movement of one has turned into thousands backing him up," said Ryan Brown, 21, a member of Kaepernick's fraternity, Kappa Alpha Psi, who attended the rally.

There is a long evil history in the U.S. that involves validating and approving the access, acceptance, and achievements of others.