
Get up-to-the-minute coverage of crime and justice issues from a Black perspective, including police brutality cases and breaking news affecting Black communities. Stay informed with our comprehensive coverage of the latest crime, violence, and safety stories in Black neighborhoods.    


FERGUSON, Mo. — A candlelight vigil for Mike Brown, an unarmed Black man, who was fatally shot by a suburban St. Louis police officer was followed by unrest as crowds looted and burned stores, vandalized vehicles, and taunted officers. EXCLUSIVE Interview With Mike Brown’s Mother Follow’s continued  coverage of the Mike Brown police shooting. 

Crime, Police Brutality

Ohio police fatally shot John Crawford, 22, after he spotted holding a toy rifle in a local Walmart earlier this week, reports Raw Story. SEE ALSO: Missouri Crowd After Fatal Shooting Of Unarmed 17-Year-Old Boy: ‘Kill The Police Crawford was in the toy section at Walmart’s Beavercreek location when a customer called 911 to report a man waving “what appeared to […]

The case of Pastor Steven Simon (pictured) is being referred to as a miracle by Florida’s Martin County Sheriff’s Office. When Simon cut off another motorist after jockeying for a position on the road, he was shot in the head twice by a male suspect driving a gold-colored Chrysler Concorde. Yet deputies are still scratching […]


A new study suggests that white people are willing to support harsher criminal laws if they think more Black people will be arrested. According to the study, by informing white people that African Americans are significantly over-represented in the prison population “may actually bolster support for the very policies that perpetuate the inequality.” Visit […]


Tulsa, Okla., police officers Shannon Kepler and his wife, Gina Kelper, were arrested for the shooting death of Jeremy Lake, their daughter’s boyfriend. News on 6 reports that Lake was walking with the Keplers’ daughter when the couple was approached by Shannon in an SUV. The daughter told police that she approached her father and he […]

Watch the full verdict in the second-degree murder trial of Theodore Wafer. On November 2, 2014, Wafer shot and killed 19-year-old Renisha McBride through his front screen door.

AJ Bryant (pictured) faces six criminal charges including burglary, grand theft and contributing to the delinquency of minors when he, according to the Sun Sentinel, allegedly took along his two teen nephews to assist him with a couple of burglaries, while his 3- and 12-year-old sons, remained in the truck used to haul away the loot. The Deerfield […]


Don’t mess with Atlanta’s beloved Hank Aaron (pictured)! Two men accused of robbing the baseball great’s Atlanta home are probably regretting their criminal deed. The suspects have been found guilty of stealing, among other valuables, Aaron’s priceless player rings that have been earmarked for the Baseball Hall of Fame and now both are facing inordinately […]


The wife of Ramsey Orta, the man who filmed Eric Garner’s fatal encounter with NYPD has been arrested. This comes just a few days after her husband was arrested in an unrelated incident for which she insists he was “set up.” The Staten Island Advance reports: Chrissie Ortiz, 30, the wife of the man who videotaped police […]


Seth Jackson, 29, of Wichita, Kansas has been charged with first-degree murder in the death of his 10-month-old foster child, a girl the family called Anna. Apparently, after picking Anna up from the babysitter’s, Jackson and his partner entered their home but forgot the little girl in the car. She sat there for approximately two hours […]

Alyssa Barrett, the 17-year-old pregnant daughter of slain United Airlines flight attendant, DeCarol Deloney-Cain (pictured below) was reportedly charged with murder after the July 3 stabbing death of her mom, according to the Chicago Post-Tribune. The teen girl’s incarceration comes on the heels of the arrest of 18-year-old boyfriend Damarus Wren also known as Damarius McGriggs, who is […]


This is beyond crazy! According to TMZ, “The Wire” star Anwan Glover aka “Slim”was stabbed inside a Washington DC nightclub early Sunday morning. Reports say Glover…