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Race Matters

Kelisa Wing's past social media activity has particularly angered conservatives.


White people's #NotMyAriel response to Halle Bailey playing Ariel in The Little Mermaid ignores why representation matters.


Not everybody sees her legacy as something to be celebrated.


"After studying the issue of climate change impacts on infrastructure for two decades, with climate projections getting worse, not better, I believe addressing the multiple challenges to the nation’s infrastructure requires systemic change," writes civil engineer Paul Chinowsky.


Black Twitter is tossing weeds on Queen Elizabeth II's grave instead of flowers. Here's why.


Legendary tennis player Margaret Court criticized Serena Williams for not voicing her admiration.


The truth is that police in schools will not keep young people safe and it is time for an expanded dialogue around policing.


Overcoming the legacy of environmental racism will take a collective reckoning; something legislation cannot address on its own.


Black women are uniquely saddled with student loan debt.


For Black girls, the more segregated the school, the likelihood of having drunk alcohol rose at twice the rate it did for Black boys.


The now defunct charity launched by the hollywood actor promised sustainable housing opportunities for Hurricane Katrina survivors.

Race Matters

Students at Denver South High School were shown a video instructing them not to call the police to report a racist hate crime.