
Explore the latest opinion articles and editorials on current events from a Black perspective with NewsOne. We deliver insightful commentary and analysis on the most pressing issues of the day, from politics and social justice to entertainment and culture. Were the home of thought-provoking articles and exclusive viewpoints.


We already know what happens when Black history is enveloped in the whiteness of a “federal holiday.”

Civil Rights & Social Justice

If racism is a public health crisis, then the Louisville Metro Police Department is a tumor. And a tumor can't cure itself.


Sports journalists have extraordinary access that can inform fans’ understanding of the athletes and their performances, but they must do better if they are to remain relevant.


Since it's Black Music Month and we're approaching a summer of vaccination roulette with family, here's a curated list of timeless hip-hop songs.


Black children are not killed because police fail to recognize them as children. They are killed because they are Black. 


The Tulsa Race Massacre is a stark example of the failure of the U.S. democracy to provide justice for race-based terroristic violence – to require reparative justice – thus, condoning it.


The mission for funerals like Ma'Khia Bryant's should be to celebrate children and mourn lives cut too short. Instead, these live-streamed funerals are part of the choreography of state murders and modern day lynchings of Black bodies.


There is no lullaby of "justice," only the ongoing nightmare of policing.

With much left to unpack in the guilty Derek Chauvin verdict over the murder of George Floyd, Ma'Khia's death details exactly how the pendulum swings for Black women and girls.


The trial outcome of George Floyd’s murderer was a relief – until it wasn’t. On the heels of the verdict, we now say the name of yet another young life viciously stolen by state violence: 16-year old Ma’Khia Bryant.

In a piece entitled “White America, Let’s Negotiate,” Trevor Baldwin wrote about his state of mind under Klandemic Stress Disorder. Now he seems to be experiencing a self-diagnosed Black Disturbia Anxiety. This is his rant.


Here are five ways COVID-19 has disproportionately affected Black Americans and how where we were in March 2020 compares to where we are now.